Wow, the year is half over. Seems likes it was just March. I remember reading once that scientist confirmed that as you get older time does seem to go faster. Just when you want it to slow down, biology defeats you. Doesn't seem fair somehow.
Since the show February, I've done four more shows. It has been an up and down year. Some shows good, some not so good. Sales seem to be improving though and I am once again working hard to keep up. Working seems like a bad word though, as I am having too much fun for it to be work. I have a show sceduled for the July 4th weekend (check my show schedule) and then I take a break until sometime in August. Being it is summer in the southwest the temperatures are soaring. 100 degree days are not unusual. A good reason not to do outside shows!
The gourds I use have a very hard surface which is hard on my woodburning pens. At the moment I am waiting for four pens to be repaired and returned. Then I managed to break the last one of my favorites. Talk about my plans screeching to a halt. While I am waiting for the pens to be repaired I am cleaning more gourds and planning some carving projects. I have my fingers crossed that I will get my pens back soon!
Penciled design waiting for burning
Have a fun summer, I'll be working on gourds.
Three gourds waiting for finishing.